Maggie - Doukraan Red Violin
Date of Birth: 17 August 2013
Maggie is loved and lives with parents Josh and Kim. Bred by Doukraan and in co-ownership. This has been a very successful relationship and I look forward to sharing the future litter updates with parents Josh and Kim!!
Pedigree Summary: Maggie is from a planned mating between parents; mother Lola (full sister to Eddie Lacey) with alternate Kelloe pedigree on both sides of her lineage and a lovely petite, yet solid build; to the father Leo, with a strong Kelloe and Australian pedigree (Bratrice), a solid yet compact male with a lovely head.
Type: Maggie has a typical bulldog face, flat with layback, yet she is pretty. She has a strong and agile feminine body. Very busy, healthy and lively. She has a fluid bulldog movement, clean - not clunky.
Temperament: Maggie is a fun girl, she loves attention and cuddles. Is very smart and adapts to changes well. She really wanted to have babies and has imersed herself in the pregnancy.
Retained Progeny: nil to date
Where is he now?: Close to whelp date, she will be with us.
A big Thank You to Josh and Kim
Maggie Health Test Results
Penn Hip Result: Distraction Index 0.67 (result below)
Vertebrae: 1 Hemi-vertebrae
Elbows: No lesions or deformaties
Trachea: Size 6 tube
HUU: Clear
BOAS Exercise Tolerance Test: Pass
Maggie has been mated successfully with USA imported semen, we selected Storm as he has had fantastic Hipp scores, which will only enhance the progeny from Maggie
American Grand Champion and Platinum Health Ambassador
CH Hetherbull Topline Perfect Storm
All pups will be retained to 4 months of age and hip x-rayed to allow Doukraan to select the best show quality and best structure to continue our show career and next generation of Bulldogs.
Click on Underlined Pedigree to view that dogs profile details.